Saturday 2 August 2014

The Three Tier Team

Getting to the roots of organizational problems to solve them

The mightiest threat to organizations’ growth is confusion and obscurity. Most of the organizations have three tier foundation as depicted in fig. 1.1, wherein, the decision regarding strategy and execution is taken by Top Management. They exist to give organization clarity and direction. They determine goals and set objectives for the business. They make up the mind of the organization.

The second layer is the managerial level. This level drives the implementation ideas and objectives set by top management. Once the organization is set in particular direction, it is necessary to carve a path and work on those objectives. This is the duty of middle management. Middle management works on implementing ideas, and finds solutions to the roadblocks and obstacles to success. They manage projects and think on ways to improve performance. Middle Management is concerned with operational plan and control. They also serve as a link between top level and junior staff.

The third tier is the junior staff, the people who actually executive the ideas under the guidance of middle layer.

As seen in the figure 1.2 below, every team shall meet once a week. These meetings shall be voluntary and at least one member from each dept. shall be present in the meetings. The meetings shall be presided over by representative to see that the discussion doesn’t go off roads. The ideas shall be decided and noted, and then, a concrete step of actions, which the team sees fit to the benefit of the organization, shall be communicated to the middle management. Having communicated, middle management should look at the idea or plan critically, and check if it is really useful. If it is, and the decision is in their power, they shall start working on these activities. If otherwise, then they shall communicate this to the senior management.

Secondly, like Jr. Staff, middle management should also meet regularly to discuss their problems and improvement areas, and discuss the plan with Top management.

There should be interconnectedness between the three tiers. In so doing, each gets to know the roadblocks of others, and also the ideas for improvement are well verified before the actions are taken. It should also be noted that one shouldn’t discuss everything with the Top Management. Being concise is the key. Also, ideas or suggestions should first be analyzed by Middle management, and some decisions can be taken here itself. Only the absolutely necessary points should be escalated. It helps save the precious time and gets the point across.

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