Saturday 2 August 2014

No, Thank You!

Take A Step to save the Environment; Say ‘NO’ to plastic
We often unnecessarily use Plastic bags in our day to day life.

We rarely say “no” to the bags and vendors rarely ask if we absolutely need it, unaware of the environmental damages it causes. We take a bag even when it’s just buying a single pack of biscuit or fruits and vegetable. Even when we have a bag in our hand we tend to just take other bag for each and every purchase.
Plastic bags use valuable energy resources and are responsible for emissions during its production. More importantly, on current estimates they take up to 1,000 years to degrade, polluting the environment and causing harm to wildlife at the same time. Animals eat them out of ignorance and die as plastic causes blockages in organs. Drains clog, when we dispose organic garbage in bag, it takes longer to decompose. Adding to waste management wows.

Just by following some quick easy steps we can reduce this plastic menace-

*Say "No Thank you, I don't need a plastic bag" when offered one.
*Begin to use re-usable bags, cultivate habit of keeping a reusable bag with you, one may be needed any time.
* Educate children on the harms of plastic bags.
* Educate your family, friends and colleagues.
* Learn to reuse bags, send them for recycling when they are no longer usable. For recycling give them away to rag pickers.

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