Tuesday 21 January 2014

Inspire Heroism – A great responsibility on shoulders of HRs and Leaders

How often have you thought about the other person having a great deal of talent, and yet performance not even a third of it? How often the thought that ‘I have caliber, but I am not performing to the best of my abilities crossed your mind? Most of us have thought about ourselves or others as having wasted talents or calibers, but scarcely have we done something about it, other than answering “of Only” to ourselves.

Such a waste of talent is a great concern for the HR Managers, and organization and world at large. Hypothetically speaking, we use not more than 10% of what we know to do a particular activity or job. To answer for your concerns, let me ask you, if you have fully utilized the knowledge you gained in formal education? Or have you fully utilized the new things learnt from the training, or the book you read? Scarcely! In fact, it’s said that we hardly use 2% of our brains in our entire life! Isn’t all this a great concern?

Think what it all would amount to if we start working to the full of our abilities! One man – Mohandas Gandhi, working to the best of his potentials, got India its freedom! One man – Alberst Einstein, thinking to the best of his capabilities, uncovered the greatest secrets of the Universe! One man – Thomas Edison, working to make life comfortable and make more business, came up with so many useful inventions! It just takes a man with determination to change or make the world!

Isn’t all this magical? Isn’t all of it inspiring? Don’t we all wish to be such geniuses and masters of our field? YES, we do!

Some people, by themselves have got the determination and an inspiration to grow and show the world what it calls magic, whereas, this passion, this inspiration has to be borne into the hearts and minds of every other individual, and for this, a great responsibility rests on the shoulders of current leaders, and HR managers in organizations.

If HR Managers are able to instill such an inspiration in every member of the organization, think of innovations that will come about, think of ideas and growth that all this will incur, think of beauty that all this will manifest in the world! And it’s not that difficult to do all this. The answer lies in working to the best of our capabilities and carving a path for others to tread along, and holding their hands while walking this path. The answer lies in storytelling, in letting them know the legends, the heroes who did it before them, who were no more than they are, and yet they attained heights that we can hardly imagine, and all this started with a step, a step towards growth.

As HR Managers and Leaders of the organization, take responsibility, take a step to do this. As Oscar Wilde said, “We are all in gutters, but few of us have our heads towards the stars. Make them all see the stars. It ain’t all that difficult, you’ll witness once you start walking. Take the first step.

The question would be what should I do, where shall I start? The answer simply lies in looking around. What do people need, is it a talk, compassion, stories of heroism and inspiration, daily dose of motivation, training? Identify what is it they need, and take the first step to make this dream a reality, and then shall you see the beauty, and joy, that the accomplishment and the fulfillment shall garner.

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