Tuesday 12 February 2013

From College to Corporate; From Executive to Manager...

The need for Organizational Learning and Development

It's been six months since I left my college and started working, and I have already been given the freedom to decide my goals and choose my line of work. Probably am very fortunate to have been conferred this freedom at this very young age, and I realise the importance of it. Looking back, I wonder what it is that enabled me to be where I am, to be my own leader and decision driver.
I have switched between various roles, depending on my capabilities, abilities and the need of the day. I have played the role of a consultant, a manager, a trainer, telemarketer, a salesperson, and a brand manager, and still I'm trying on new rules and working on new levels. I'm sure you must be thinking why all this? Read on to find the answer...

I work with a quality consulting and training firm. As is the line of our organisation, so is a culture. We emphasise a lot on intellectual grooming. My boss gives thousands of lectures each week to us, so that we take at least a percent of it to work, and before doing any of the things - think. He emphasises and has trained us to plan, monitor and control, and effectively execute the plan. Each day I'm adding, if not more, at least a drop of knowledge into the thirsty Lake of my intellect, and all others because of my boss - who believes in intellectual development of humanity.

I always wondered the use of experience and felt that the experience is only needed to jump between organisations, and get higher pay at other places. But today I know what is a very of experience and why people stress and emphasise on experience. Today I know why people do need training.

Basically humanity is like a tree, and sun, water and carbon dioxide are like knowledge. Tree is made up of various branches, stem, roots, leaves and fruits and flowers. A tree grows, with the union of its various parts with the water (roots), leaves (sunlight and Carbondioxide) and Stem (Support).

Similarly, Human Society will grow when the knowledge that has acquired through experience, reading, or attained through introspection is passed on to the other people in the society. This knowledge can be transferred through peer coordination, training, reading, et cetera. But the transfer of this knowledge is very very important. A person might be like roots, absorbing knowledge and passing on to the different parts of the society, or be the fruits that absorb this knowledge, and shine in front of the world. Stem represents the educational system, or our organisations that help in this growth.

Organizations will grow only if all its people are capable/or made capable to handle and perform their duties and responsibilities. Training and development is very very important in a corporate lives. It is not always compulsory that we calling someone from outside two train us, but we can train ourselves, with the help of peers and colleagues, or through the experience of seniors. We can also read a book which will help us learn and grow. What ever more we choose it is very important that we learn, and will grow. A person either grows, all falls. There is nothing as remaining constant, as remaining constant itself will mean death.

So, the advice from the one who has just tasted the sweetness of growth and benefits of the training, go out, keep your eyes, ears, and arms open, the opportunities that will help you learn, and people will teach you how to grow. Experience speaks only when you make it speak, otherwise it is like to lives within the depths of the sea, which exist but you never know that it does, and you'd never see and understand its beauty, unless you go within!